Greens Powder PRLabs 10 oz cont.

$ 40.91

Premier Organic Greens Mix Powder 10 oz

Premier Greens Mix is a formula of uncompromising quality with the very best of the greens and their synergists from all over the world. Greens Mix delivers over 70 known antioxidants and literally every biological vitamin and mineral in their food-grade forms. Additionally, it provides superior nutraceutical phytonutrients, some of which have been proven to be many times more protective than the well known vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene.

Why Use Greens?

Organically grown greens from grade 10 plants are one of the most potent healing foods on our planet. One special form of greens, the cereal grasses, have been used for centuries and are well known for their spectacular, health-rejuvenating properties.

Unbelievably, cereal grasses contain every known vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and enzyme necessary to sustain life. Grasses are a complete food. Grasses dissolve, then absorb minerals from rock and soil, converting the minerals into a form easy for humans to absorb. Because they contain a broad array of fully bio-available, naturally occurring minerals, especially calcium and magnesium, they help keep the body alkaline. This is a great antidote to America’s typical high-protein, high acid-ash diet. Alkalinizing the body helps protect against ravaging diseases that result when the body becomes too acidic.

Cereal grasses are also a rich source of chlorophyll, called the great detoxifier, which helps purify and build blood. Grasses also contain a large array of phytonutrients and antioxidants, with more vitamin C than oranges, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach and more betacarotene than carrots. No wonder grasses are many times more protective than the well known vitamins C and E.

The Finest Greens from South America

Quantum Greens Mix is a living, naturally potent, organically grown blend of the finest, pristine grasses and greens from the best sources worldwide. Our spectacular, grade 10 (“beyond organic”) cereal grasses are from South America, grown in rich, luxuriantly healthy soil (with absolutely zero pesticides) in pure country air. We call it our “South American connection.” The South American farm crews carefully harvest and low-temperature, air-dry these whole grasses. Then they are shipped in specially made air tight containers. The greens are not fumigated, irradiated, solvent extracted, or heat damaged.

Although grasses grown in the U.S. can deliver beneficial nutrients, PRL's tests show their toxic levels are far too high (due to pesticide/chemical residues). Unfortunately, negative effects from a bioaccumulation of these residues is usually seen later on, but the consumer rarely links them to the toxicity of the product.

Two major reasons that U.S. grasses are a problem: 1) the water supplies contain high levels of pesticide residues and contaminants (even in organic farming) and 2) the top soils have sustained massive nutrient losses, even on organic farms, as well as being dosed with heavy pesticide residues from decades of chemicalized farming (residues which can remain long after a farm is converted to organic).

Quantum DNA Repair Agent

Because of the synergistic effect of its broad-spectrum of nutrients, grasses are premier functional foods and an excellent intracellular DNA repair agent. This is good news for all of us, since our bodies are now routinely exposed to agents all around us which can cause DNA damage, including pesticide residues in our foods, commercial cleaning agents, synthetic perfumes, chemotherapy, exposure to increased ionizing radiation while on airplane flights, clothes dry cleaning agents, out-gassing chemicals from carpet, paint, and fixtures, fumes from ink, printers, and xerox machines, etc. For those who already have extensive DNA disruption and damage (as in many chronic diseases), cereal grasses can prove to be powerful agents to help restore and rejuvenate damaged DNA

Each Teaspoon Provides:

Power Grass-Plus Blend™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,015 mg
Organic Barley Grass (Hordeum vulgare), Organic Oat Grass (Avena sativa)
Power Greens Blend™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  348 mg
Organic Kale (leaf), Organic Chlorella (whole; broken cell wall) (Chlorella sorokiniana), Organic Alfalfa (herb) (Medicago sativa),
Organic Cilantro (leaf) (Coriandrum sativum), Organic Spinach (leaf) (Spinacia oleracea)

Other Ingredients: None  100% Vegan, Gluten Free,Organic Barley Grass,Organic Oat Grass, Oranic Kale, Organic Chlorella, Tested For Identity, Purity, Strength And Composition

Servings Per Container: 108


Patent-pending dark violet-colored, #2 HDPE nontoxic plastic bottle engineered to block light between 450-720 nm, the range at which damage to nutrients occurs. Nitrogen flushed to protect freshness and prevent oxidation.

Disclaimer: The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements.

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